Iran: A Land of Great Beauty & Great Ugliness Part I

Source of photos unknown. I collected them over the years

The images below barely do justice to the beauty in Iran. But, this is just one side of the story. Radical Islam is the other.
Bridge in Isfahan
I lived, traveled, studied, and worked in the Middle East for many years; spent my teen years in Iran, graduated high school there, and continued to travel throughout the region as an adult. This series of blog entries comes from direct knowlege of the area, people and culture unlike most journalists who report someone else's research or spend a couple days in or near the country. This image is of a bridge in Isfahan.
This is the Shayad Monument in downtown Tehran. It was built while our family lived there in the mid 1970's.
Shayad MonumentAnother image of the Shayad Monument.

Mosque in YazdThis is a mosque in the town of Yazd.
Shayad MonumentAnother image of the Shayad Monument.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I lived in Tehran and at the Caspian Sea during the three years before the fall of the country in 1979. At all times the people, rich or poor, welcomed me most graciously. I have a burning love for Iran and it's wonderful people. I am sad for what befell these people. If the Shah had stayed it would have been one of the worlds most powerful nations today. Iranians were not over zealous in their religion although in Qom I was surrounded by a gaggle of angry mullahs who objected to me on the grounds I was not wearing a chador and I was female and Irish. I had the happiest days of my life in beautiful Iran.

Tue Feb 19, 11:39:00 AM EST  
Blogger G-Wushu said...

I agree with your sentiments entirely. I lived there between 1971 and 1978 and only left because due to my dad's work, he saw the revolution coming and rushed us out of there.

Wed Feb 20, 12:35:00 PM EST  
Blogger G-Wushu said...

By the way, how old were you in Iran. Did you attend TAS or Community School while in Tehran by any chance? Send me an email if you like to gbw@jps.net.

Wed Feb 20, 12:49:00 PM EST  

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