It's Called Christmas for Crying Out Loud!

Since when is it offensive and non-inclusive to call a holiday by its name? We don't call Thanksgiving "the Fall Holiday", or go out of our way to be extra sensitive to the British on Independence Day, or call Columbus Day, Explorer's Day (though I could see some lame ass liberal cry-baby trying to do that), Maybe Valentine's Day should be more sensitive to the brain and other organs, not just the "heart" and damn those Irish and their Saint Patty's day. Presidents Day is leaving out the other branches of government and by God we can't let the president have too much power. Maybe we should call it the "Generic Political Seasons Holidays". Memorial Day, what about all the living survivors of the war, why the hell do we have to celebrate a bunch of dead heros that were stupid enough to catch a bullet for our ungrateful free asses? Summer break? Why should summer get all the fun?

If people don't want us to call Christmas by its name, then just cancel it. Really. I'm offended that the belly-achers are permitted to celebrate and get the day off for something they have such little respenct and tolerance for anyway. I'm sure all those offended people who depend on the billions of dollars spent during this season wont mind, as long as we don't leave anyone out. Screw everyone equally!

Just remember. When your standing on that slippery slope you never know which way that giant ball of crap is going to roll. Today, Christian holidays are on the sh_t list. Tomorrow it will be something you cherish. Hope you aren't too fond of anything tooo exclusive of every cat, dog, Tom, Dick or Harry.